Series of Works

Gare d’Orsay

Soundscape, video, work on paper, rendering (CGI)


Koch und Kesslau Gallery, Berlin, Gare d’Orsay, 2003, exhibition view

Inspired by studying Orson Wells’ 1962 movie The Trial (based on a novel by Kafka) that was shot at the Gare d’Orsay in Paris, as well as Le Corbusier’s sketches from the same year for a hotel room in a congress complex that was supposed to be constructed on the site of the Gare d’Orsay, Weyermann created a multimedia installation with renderings, a video and a sound collage.
Weyermann reconstructs a scene from The Trial and uses it to generate a projection that dramatises elements of spatial representation and its perception from various media layers. The scene that Weyermann refers to in the film is set in a stairwell, shot from a perspective that robs the viewer of any sense of orientation. This stairwell forms the motif of the works Nach dem Prozess [After the Trial] I and II (2003). In these black-and-white renderings, the viewer looks up to a steep staircase. A further work form the same year looks at Le Corbusier’s design for a planned hotel that was never built. The 2003 rendering Entwurf (Palais d‘Orsay) , which is reminiscent of various designs by Le Corbusier, describes a possibility that was never realised, and hence references utopianism as a further layer in the complex process of spatial perception.

Artworks (10) in the Series
