• livingroom
    Grüße aus Brest, JIM (35.16), 5. Februar 1997, livingroom

Grüße aus Brest, JIM

[Greetings from Brest, JIM]

MW 35.16


5. Februar 1997

Apartment furnishings with 9.5-degree incline, calculation on paper of the differential angle between Berlin and Brest

Sheets containing the calculations: Maja Weyermann Archive, Berlin

Collaboration with Irène Hug and Joey Zimmermann as die der art guten Freunde

The installation was presented as an exhibition of work by the artist JIM, based in Brest, France.

Extract from a lecture by Weyermann at the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Berlin, 2001:
In an apartment at Auguststraße 88, all the furnishings were tilted by 9.5 degrees, in accordance with the calculations of a mathematician friend. This degree corresponds to the angle between the tangent of the earth near Berlin and a direct straight line from Berlin to Brest, France. This means that the furniture tilted by 9.5 degrees in Berlin would be completely normal and horizontal on the ground in Brest. Copying two different locations into each other in the same space allows the curvature of the earth to become visible.